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Three questions for Edoardo Mortara

VLN_Edoardo_Mortara_Interview_IEdoardo, you’re competing in the DTM and in GT3 racing as a Mercedes-AMG Motorsport driver this season. How does it feel to be a newcomer to the Mercedes-AMG Motorsport family?

Edoardo Mortara: « I’m really looking forward to these races, even though a lot of it is obviously going to be new for me. I think I’m heading in the right direction. The first DTM tests went well, and we did some useful work on the setup. This was only my second time on the Nordschleife of the Nürburgring behind the wheel of a Mercedes-AMG GT3. The first race in the VLN didn’t go all that well for me, but the recent tests and my second VLN outing went a lot better. »

What are the main differences as you see them between the Mercedes-AMG GT3 and the Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM?

ORG_DSC06796-02Edoardo Mortara: « They are two completely different cars. In the DTM, we operate with a lot more downforce and the cars are lighter, which means more grip. This leads to a more aggressive driving style in the DTM. Both cars are fun, though. Driving the Mercedes-AMG GT3 here on the Nordschleife is just great and also a big challenge. Switching between the two is not always easy, but I love the varied nature of this challenge. »

2016 was a defining year for you: you became the father of a daughter and narrowly missed out on the DTM title. What targets have you set yourself for 2017?

Edoardo Mortara: « The birth of my daughter was, of course, a big change for me, and in a positive way. I think that it actually makes me slightly more motivated than in the last few years: I’m not only driving for myself, but also for my family. This year, I’m in a new team and it obviously takes time to adjust. However, I see this in a positive light, and believe that I can once again be in contention for the DTM title. »

Press release Mercedes-AMG]]>

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