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DTM – Next big occasion of the season: Motorsport Festival Lausitzring

Motorsports: DTM race HockenheimringFollowing the successful season opener in the home race at Hockenheim, Mercedes-AMG Motorsport now head for the Lausitzring which has been a happy hunting ground for the team in recent years.

  • The joint event for the DTM and ADAC GT Masters is being held for the second successive year at the Lausitzring.
  • Mercedes-AMG Motorsport lead the drivers’, team and manufacturers’ championships going into the second race weekend of the 2017 DTM season.
  • The Lausitzring has hosted 21 DTM races since 2000. So far, there have been twelve different winners. The most successful contestants at this circuit are three-time winners Bernd Schneider and Gary Paffett.
  • With a total of 12 victories, Mercedes-AMG is the most successful brand at the Lausitzring.
  • Ulrich Fritz: “We know that we have a fast car with regard to basic speed, but we have to see how much this works to our benefit on different tracks. »

Comments on the DTM races at the Lausitzring

Lucas Auer (22, Austria):

  • Car number: 22
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport BWT
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM BWT

“It’s obviously going to be quite special for me returning to the Lausitzring a year after my first DTM victory, and all the more so after such a good weekend in the season opener at Hockenheim. Consequently, I’m excited to see where we go from here. We have a superb car, but there is still some fine-tuning to do. That’s why I’ m really curious to see how we compare with the opposition on another track. Personally, I’m looking forward to it. Last year’s Motorsport Festival was an amazing event, and I hope that the fans turn out in force again.”

Gary Paffett (36, England):

  • Car number: 2
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport Mercedes me
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM Mercedes me

“After a pretty successful Hockenheim, I’m excited about getting back in the car at the Lausitzring. It’s a circuit I have already won on a few times. We had a pretty good race weekend there last year as well. I’m really looking forward to getting back on track at Lausitzring and hoping to score good points in both races there.” < /p>

Edoardo Mortara (30, Italy):

  • Car number: 48
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport BWT
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM BWT

“For me, the Lausitzring is an important race weekend. After the season opener at Hockenheim, I feel that I missed out on a few points there. That is why we cannot afford to lose more points. The Lausitzring itself is not necessarily one of my favourite tracks. Nevertheless, I hope that we can have two decent races. Mercedes have generally been competitive there in the past and won a race with Lucas last year. Hopefully, we will be just as good this year so that I can get in among the front-runners and score a lot of points.”

Paul Di Resta (31, Scotland):
  • Car number: 3
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport SILBERPFEIL Energy
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM

“It’s good to be back in the car so quickly after the first race, given that we lost some valuable points with the mix-up at the pit stop. I hope we’ll come back stronger as a team. Everyone is working hard to keep the momentum, and hopefully on Sunday night, we can be pleased with another good set of results.”

Maro Engel (31, Germany):

  • Car number: 63
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport SILBERPFEIL Energy
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM SILBERPFEIL Energy

“We had a thrilling season opener. Now I’m looking forward to the second round at the Lausitzring. The Motorsport Festival last year was a fantastic event. After the positive start to the season, I’m obviously hoping to build on that at the Lausitzring and add as many points as possible to my account.”

Robert Wickens (28, Canada):

  • Car number: 6
  • Team: Mercedes-AMG Motorsport Mercedes me
  • Car: Mercedes-AMG C 63 DTM Mercedes me

“I’m really happy that I didn’t have to wait that long for the race weekend at the Lausitzring. The first round obviously didn’t go as we had hoped for, but there are still a lot of positives that we can take from the weekend. So we have to build on that and make sure we score some good points for Mercedes.”

Ulrich Fritz, Head of Mercedes-AMG Motorsport DTM:

“After a successful and action-packed weekend at Hockenheim, we are now looking forward to the second race weekend of the season at the Lausitzring. I’m hopeful that we are going to see racing of the same fantastic quality as we witnessed in the first two races. In any case, we are feeling cautiously optimistic. We know that we have a fast car with regard to basic speed, but we have to see how much this works to our benefit on different tracks. If you ignore 2015, the Lausitzring has been a track where we have done well in recent years. Since 2013, we have won three out of six races and have made seven podium appearances. With the Motorsport Festival and the splendid support series, the Lausitzring weekend is bound to be a real highlight for the fans.”

Press release Mercedes-AMG]]>

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