Jok 160X600

Encouraging comeback of Philip Ellis

DTM2016HockI-JBL-PENTAX K-3-07052016-IMGP2959The first race weekend of Philip Ellis after four years without racing ended with a strong performance in the Audi Sport TT Cup in Hockenheim. The spectacular single make championship with the 310 HP car is a feeder series of the very popular German Touring Car Masters DTM. It has been the first race experience for the 23 years old Swiss of British and German origin with a touring or GT car. In former years Ellis competed with single seaters and won the Swiss Formula Lista Junior Championship in 2011 before entering Formula 3 European Championship for half a season. After an accident in qualifying Ellis had to change to a spare car of the Cup organisation and start from the back of the field. From there he gained several positions until he was hit by another car and lost some places. Race 2 was a lot better as he started from 19th grid position to finish ninth.

Ellis-Nr.-23-600x401Philip Ellis : „I was happy to be allowed to start with a spare car straight after my accident. Thanks to the organisation! I immediately found a good pace in both races and had a lot of fun. Unfortunately in the first heat a competitor braked too late and hit my right door heavily. Sunday’s race was quite good and I even battled for eighth position until a warning light in the cockpit forced me to lift the throttle. I did the sixth best lap time during the race what proves my speed and quick learning curve. Therefore I am really looking forward to the next two races on the Nürburgring GP Circuit in three weeks.”  

Press release Philip Ellis, Pictures : Jean-Baptiste Lassaux/, Philip Ellis


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