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A word from … Edoardo Mortara

Motorsports / DTM 5. race MoskauYou will visit the Geneva Motor Show for Audi, at which the new Audi R8 will be unveiled. Is it a special appointment for you?

Edoardo Mortara : « Of course. I’m really looking forward to it. I come from Geneva, so it’s a sort of home fixture for me. The event is one of the most important motor shows worldwide. Audi unveils its new high-performance sportscar there – it’s also interesting for me to see this new generation for the first time. On top of this comes the fact that I have a special relationship with the R8, because at the annual street race in Macau I have contested some fascinating races in the R8 LMS and won three times in succession. »

The DTM season starts in May. How did you prepare for your fifth season and what are your goals?

Edoardo Mortara : « As always, my physical fitness was the focus. I kept up my fitness workload and the Audi winter camp was on the agenda in February. I feel well prepared. While I was on holiday in Thailand over the winter, I was able to switch off completely and recharge the batteries. I’ll be perfectly honest about my ambitions: In 2015, I intend to fulfil the goals from 2014 that I should have achieved in 2013, because in 2012 I made a promise about what I’d already thought about in 2011. »

Before the races begin, you still have a rather unusual PR appointment in your calendar.

Edoardo Mortara : « It still a bit of a secret. However, at the end of March, I’ll be involved in a very spectacular event in Dubai with an Audi. Something I’ve never done before. It won’t just be about cars, but also an acrobatic element. Wait and see! »

Press release Audi Sport


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