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Contract with Mugen for Super Formula is resolved

imgp39101mse5The contract with Team Mugen for the 2015 season of the Super Formula was cancelled with great disappointment an all sides. Due to financial difficulties resulting from the involvement of a Japanese intermediary, the requested budget payments to the team could not be made.

Fabio Leimer and his management are currently evaluating his existing options for the 2015 season.

Fabio Leimer : « Of course I am extremely disappointed. We started the project Japan after finding a representative in Japan. We signaled him from the start that the complete required budget would have to come through him. Regrettably his promises and the trust we put in him were not justified, again we had to learn the lesson of almost not being able to trust anyone in a very painful way.n We are currently working on solutions for the current season that can be financed by our own doings. I wish Team Mugen lots of success and apologize for all the trouble we have caused through this. »

Press release Fabio Leimer, picture : Jean-Baptiste Lassaux ]]>

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